School News
School News
30 Apr, 2019
10 : 00
Up to March 29, 2019, graduates from the 11th graduation class of YWIES Shanghai Gubei have received 139 conditional offers from top universities in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, etc. ( information will be updated timely). These top universities include:
Imperial College London
University College London
The University of Edinburgh
King's College London
The University of Manchester
University of Warwick
University of Southern California
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Davis
Boston University
Northeastern University
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Toronto
University of British Columbia
McGill University
McMaster University
University of Melbourne
Every offer represents the effort of teachers and students, as well as the support of parents. Congratulations to all graduates, teachers and parents!
The graduates from YWIES over the 11 years have formed a strong alumni network. They are in different life stages. Some of them may just enter overseas famous universities while some of them may continue to pursue further studies or begin their career in different sectors. No matter where they are, our alumni are glorifying their parents, families and country in their own ways. We wish all graduates and alumni of YWIES a bright future ahead.